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Joining chat rooms through an IRC client

via traditional IRC(internet relay chat) clients. You'll need to download, install and configure an IRC client. For more information about IRC, you can consult the help pages at http://www.irchelp.org/

1) Download a chat client:

A chat client is a program that allows you to connect to chat servers and join chat rooms. It is not a part of your browser, but you must have an internet connection to connect to a chat server. Use your browser and internet connection to access a download location, then you can download and install a chat client. When you have decided which of the following chat clients you would like to use, simply click on the link to acces the download site.

There are several shareware chat clients available, and you are free to select any client you prefer. For novice chatters, we recommend 'MIRC' and 'Pirch' for windows and 'IRCLE' for Macs.

Once you've accessed the download site, and browsed through the instructions, simply click on the 'download' link.

2) Installing the chat client:

Follow the instructions provided at the download site for the client you selected. Installation is often accomplished through an 'Installation Wizard' or is automatic upon download. Be sure to pay attention to the directory in which your client is installed - you will then be able to find it in order to create a shortcut to the program on you desktop, should you wish to do so. (This is often done for you on newer versions of Windows (95 and 98).

3) Set up and configuration:

For MIRC users:

  • Launch the software.
  • You need to connect to a server
  • The 'options' menu will pop up automatically for you to connect
  • (if it does'nt) Access the 'file' pull down menu and select 'options'.
  • The server we used:
    description : Random US DALnet server (first available)
    name: irc.dal.net
  • You'll also need to fill in the full name, email, nickname and alternate fields.
  • click 'connect to IRC server'
  • Channels Folder will pop up automatically
  • If it does not, click on the Channels Folder button in the toolbar. (or select the 'commands' option in your menu bar, select 'join' and type in the channel name)
  • select channel: (#under20) and clicking the Join button.
  • if channel is not in list, type the channel name and click 'Add'

4) Join the chat:

Welcome! We encourage friendly debate and dissenting opinions in our chat rooms. We do expect all participants to refrain from profanity and flaming or otherwise provoking other participants.

Once you've participated in a few of our chats, we'd love to hear from you again about your chat experience. .


Thank you to Cnn , we extracted relevant parts (1,2&4) of the chat instructions from their site.